Even your chainsaw takes a break now and then
Your STIHL chainsaw likes dry, dustfree conditions. And if you clean it before putting it away for a while – say, over a period of one month – then it will be ready for use when you take it out again for work.
Emptying the fuel tank
Empty the fuel tank in a well-ventilated place and then clean it. Remember to drain the carburettor first, to prevent the carburettor diaphragms from sticking together.
Dismantling chainsaws
Remove the chain and guide bar, clean them and spray them with protective oil.
Store in a dry place
Your chainsaw should be stored in a dry place. Choose a place which is well ventilated and protected from the weather. Keeping it outdoors is not advisable.
Protect from the sun
Store the machine away from the direct rays of the sun. Exposure to the sun’s rays causes UV embrittlement.
Staying dust free
Your chainsaw should always be packed away in a dust-free environment. STIHL has a line of special carry bags and cases to protect your machine.
Safe storage
Always store your chainsaw out of reach of other people (e.g. children). The best place to store it is in a lockable room or cupboard.