Mowing on varying terrain

With the right mowing technique you can achieve amazing results with your STIHL brushcutter. Even if this is the first time you have picked up a brushcutter you will soon get the hang of correct mowing techniques. Simply swing the machine from right to left in a semicircle as you gradually move forward.
Here we show you the basic technique and some ways of mowing even large areas speedily and achieving good results from your work.

Basic technique
Because the cutting attachment rotates anti-clockwise, a right-to-left cutting action is commonest when mowing. The advantage of this method is that the cuttings drop on to the cut area.

Basic technique for long grass
When working in very long grass or tough weeds it is advisable to mow in two directions of movement: a movement to the right first of all cuts off the top of the growth, then the counter movement to the left deals with the rest. As usual, the cuttings are discarded to the left.

Large, flat areas – get the knack
The best way to cut large areas is to use the square method. Divide the area to be mown into squares, then work along the outsides into the centre.

Along a slope – strip by strip
The strip method is a very good way of working on a slope: cut a strip parallel to the slope and then return along the swath. Then cut the next strip above that. Here too, the cut grass always falls onto the cut area.

Overcoming obstacles – preparing the way
The mowing line is the best way of mowing right up to trees or bushes without damaging branches or stems. Where several plants are growing close together it is advisable to clear round them before mowing. To do that, use the guard on your brushcutter as a guide. Place it up against the trunk of the tree or bush and use it to guide you as you move around the tree. That protects the trunk while mowing the area around it.